By jackskellington - 11/02/2015 04:34 - Australia - Bankstown

Today, I found out my dad ate my rabbit when I was 6 years old. He'd told me it ran away. I can't be mad at my dad; he's been dead for 5 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 952
You deserved it 2 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. Hopefully when he was eating it, he found several hares in it.


My dad told me that my rabbit had passed away during the night and that he had taken his body out of the house before I woke up. When I went for breakfast his body was inside a box of lucky charms cereal on top of the coffee table, his little legs popping out of the box.

jazzlejay 8

That sucks. When I was a kid my mums partner told me he swung my dead rabbit round by its ears and threw it in a skip!

I'd be pissed that he didn't share. Rabbit is good meat

My step dad always threatens to do that to mine....

That's horrible. He sounds like an asshole. Or worse-animal abuser. I mean it'd be ok I GUESS if the animal died of natural causes. Then why not? But any other circumstance-just wrong. I'm sorry :(

Honey, you have full permission to be mad at him for eating your pet Bunny then hiding the fact for five years.

He DIED five years ago. He didn't lie for five years.

rldostie 19

He who? Grammatically I'm not sure of this FML. Has the rabbit been dead for six years or the father? Either way, finding out that someone ate your pet just sucks.

Why is ANYONE thinking it's not the ******* father that's been dead for five years? What kind of idiot would be mad at a rabbit for FIVE YEARS for running away? The FATHER ate their rabbit when they were SIX. The FATHER has been dead for five years.. Not the rabbit.

Actually, this is pretty normal for me. I don't support eating your pets, but as I grew up, I used to hear a lot of stories like this; people would get rabbits, chickens or pigs as pets, and then eat them, sometimes by lack of knowledge of what they were eating. I guess all you can do, is to get a pet people are not likely to eat.