By dtack2tack - 09/07/2015 13:42 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend cheated on me with his boss so he could get a promotion and "provide" for us. This from the guy who made me quit my job because he said he made enough money to support us both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 725
You deserved it 3 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats not someone you should be spending time with. Break up with him

Looks like it's time you went back on the market. Once a cheater always a cheater. Good luck, op.


zeffra13 31

Nobody can "make" you quit your job. Unless you have a baby on the way (or already have one), I cannot fathom a reason for you to give up on your life to sit at home just because he makes "enough." Cheating on you is just another sign of him being manipulative, controlling, and dominating. Please leave him while you still can.

Avashantu 18

Uhm. Quit your job because he made you? And for that reason? No, no. Shouldn't let someone control you like that.. Sounds like he had some hidden motives.. Maybe like you could be doing what he & his boss were doing..? Maybe that's what he was thinking. But that's awful, OP.

Hope you can get your old job back...since you'll be living alone for a bit

If you didn't have a problem working, then you should have quit. Keeping a job is important to keep your independence. I can understand if you have kids or some big job at home to keep you occupied, but if he "made" you quit, it sounds like it was for nothing. Either way cheating is inexcusable and you should definitely reconsider the grounds of your relationship. If you find it impossible to end the relationship, then at least try to seek some counseling.

You allowed your "boyfriend" to tell you to quit "your"job...not a smart move

My boyfriend likes to tell me I don't need to get a job and then give me deadlines to have one when we fight

Sounds like he's controlling as well and you may need to reconsider being in a relationship with him. He shouldn't have enough power over you to make you do either. If it's his way or the highway, pick the highway!

He manipulated you into becoming dependent on him, so he can get away with this sort of shit. YDI for quitting your job falling into his trap. Now get yourself out of there, before he starts poking holes in condoms to REALLY trap you in an abusive relationship

MonstreBelle 28

No one deserves an abusive relationship. Ever. For all you know he may have physically abused her as well and she may have been terrified to not do what he wanted. It's sick that you think she deserved this. Way to be victim-blaming scum.

curiouslilbird 19

Being emotionally manipulated is NOT the victim's choice. Period. It is the choice of the manipulator. But I firmly agree with your advice about getting out of an abusive relationship.