By t0pher - 10/08/2009 14:52 - United States

Today, I found out I need serious surgery on my right knee to remove a tumor growing underneath it. I will not be able to walk for 3 weeks, and the doctor told me to take off for 5 months from work just for full recovery. My father's response, "You'll do anything not to work." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 936
You deserved it 3 599

t0pher tells us more.

t0pher 0

i need physical therapy for 3 months so i can loose the crutches cause the tumor is spread around my tendons

Top comments


LOL~ I am recovering from a surgery right now... to remove a tumor on my right knee. Make sure that the surgery is on time. They pushed mine back 2 hours!

XanimalloverX 0

I know how you feel once on the way to the ER because I was having a chest pain episode. I picked up the book I brought and was reading it and my parents said I was faking and I read to distract my mind from the excurtiating pain.

XanimalloverX 0

I know how. It feels to have tumors I have a genetic disorder called Neurofibromatosis. Google it. Surgery to remove tumors is not fun but you'll feel better with the nasty bugger gone

If you can't walk only for three weeks why do you need to take 5 months off? Just curious...

Violet_Illuser 0

More than likely, if the OP has a job where he's on his feet all day and/or lifting a lot of weight, it will take a while for his knee to be able to build up enough strength to safely take it all again. He may also need to get other treatments done afterwords that aren't mentioned in the FML.

t0pher 0

i need physical therapy for 3 months so i can loose the crutches cause the tumor is spread around my tendons

plea 2

My sister REALLY does anything to not work. This echoes very loudly to me. You probably REALLY do anything to not work, admit it. :)

_IronMan_ 0
MiseryAlice 0

Has anyone thought that maybe the OPs father is right?

how? all OP is doing is following doctors orders.......

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

My mom is like that, too. I have severe JRA(junior rheumatoid arthritis), and am going through the last stages of anemia. And I'm only 15. my mom is constantly yelling at me for being 'lazy' and I just want to tell her "My ******* knees hurt, I have no damn energy!" Ughh. I feel you, OP. I really do. FYL, majorly. Parents like that are just awful. Can never empathize/sympathize at all. /:

triplethreat13 0

who wouldn't do anything not to work? i think it's pretty funny, my mom said the same thing when i started getting osgood-schlatter's disease in my knee. "you just wanted to get out of gym class, you'll be fine..."

ACT99 0

If he was serious, then slap and/or punch the bastard