By juno_op - 11/02/2013 18:17 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. It's okay, I know who the father is: my ex-boyfriend, who moved to Japan last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 056
You deserved it 12 026

juno_op tells us more.

Hiii, I'm the OP. thanks for all the lovely comments, although there's a few that aren't very nice. I'm 24 btw, not 16, and I did use birth control, but you do know it's only 99% safe, right? These things can sadly happen. And we broke up because he was going.

Top comments

Some how he figured it out before you did and he got the heck out of dodge!

unknown_user5566 26

I hope for your baby's sake that you two broke up on good terms, and that it wasn't a really rough split. If you choose to have your baby your ex can still help you provide for him/her, it just won't be as simple since he's in another country. Good luck, OP. Definitely a tough situation.


I know, I obviously planned all this just so I'd get a load of government support and a nicer flat!

Still, anytime you have sex, you take that chance! Good luck to you!

Coeliacchic93 21

I hate that people automatically judge others that get pregnant. It's ridiculous. Good luck OP and congratulations :D

FYL, OP. I'm sure that if he knows, he'll do his best to send financial aid. Best of luck to you!

Well, he's still studying so he doesn't really have much money, so I don't feel I can ask! Think I'm just going to try and get a night job until I have the baby. I'm still trying to figure out what to do though.

Even so, you're still within your rights to ask him to help you out as much as he can.

Of course I'm going to tell him, whether I keep the baby or not, but I doubt he would come back so telling him is not really going to be very helpful.

For the sake of the child you should have an abortion. There's nothing wrong with it, and children raised by single mothers are more prone to all sorts of crime and lower grades than children raised by two parents.

Inappropriate response is inappropriate. This woman could very well be a good mother, and in fact probably would be. Don't talk down to her like that. You have no idea how hard it is to make a decision like having an abortion. Statistics hardly apply to everyone. EDIT: And now that comment is removed, and this makes no sense.

kittykatkassie 6

I did the exact same thing. Changed it last minute when it was removed haha

Jerk deleted his comment. I look like a bitch now lol

If you decide that a child is not for you, please don't abort. Set up for adoption. Please.

If you're not in a stable emotional and financial place (the juno in your username suggests you may not be), consider saving your childbearing for someone who really wants to have a child with you. Best of luck, OP.

It happens. Hopefully, you will make decisions with all the clarity and focus you can. Hopefully, if you choose to keep the fetus he's not a deadbeat POS... Whatever you choose is the right decision. Be strong. Good luck.

I don't know what I've missed here, but thanks for the support. Just so all these negative people know, I'm 24 years old, I'm studying for a masters whilst working full time, and I have always used birth control. If I choose to have the baby, it will be well looked after and loved.

I'm sure it will be. You just do what's right for you. I'm going for a master's and Ph.D. myself, so I understand how hard you're working.

Apologies for the misunderstanding. When you're in your twenties, working full-time, AND studying for your master's, you sure aren't the Juno stereotype. Best wishes to you, whatever you decide.

OP I would suggest you inform you ex of your pregnancy as soon as possible. This is not so that he will send money or anything, but just so he knows now. You don't want to inform him right before delivery or 10 years down the line when the child has been asking you for years who their father is, both of them will distrust you for not telling them sooner. You never know, his parents might want to be there for you and their grandchild and might be a valuable support system while you are trying to finish your masters. Children are expensive and finding care for them on a budget is difficult. The more family you have that can pitch in the easier it can be on you, your wallet and life. It's not always child support money, it can be about child support systems. It takes a village.

Better take a visit In 9 months and catch up.

sugarbear0727 19

That definitely sucks, but at least you didn't have a bad break-up. I hope all goes well in whatever decision you make, to keep the baby or not. I'm actually going through that debate right now. I am young, but I work full time and am gonna be starting school soon. Best of luck to you (:

ardencred 7

Arigato and sayonara ex-boyfriend