By Username - 03/03/2010 16:34 - France

Today, I found out exactly what Ducolax stool softener is all about. Holy colon cleanse Batman! FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 079
You deserved it 25 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I didn't know Batman used that. Huh. Learn sumthin new every day.


purplemnm 9
KurouTenshi 0

Were you singing Chocolate Rain when you figured this out?

icanspellgud 0

Hey, I mean, you misspelled shenanagins.

how the **** did this get past the moderators? you are a dumbass and I hope that you never post anything ever again.

bahahahaha! OP, I actually cracked up. Reminds me of the (board) game, Curses. FYL OP, but at least you have a sense of humor about it.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

YDI for taking pills that you didn't know the effect of.