By Goth_Hawk - 13/01/2015 08:23 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found myself wondering if my sister's jaw makes the same clicking sound when she's giving head as it does when she's eating food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 171
You deserved it 8 920

Goth_Hawk tells us more.

Goth_Hawk 28

I'm OP, she does have a jaw issue, and the doctors have said they would have to break her jaw to fix it. I thought about it because it was 3am and the thought of her chewing came to mind as I was reading some of the dirtier submissions on FML. It was so jarring that I had to post it.

Top comments

Well if she's chewing on the guy's penis she's doing it wrong...

Karenezzy 20

Why would you even think of that?


Nothing wierd about it. For instance, the average person can hold their breath for 2 minutes so you could theoretically strangle 720 people in 1 day.

If she has TMJ, it does. It pops and locks and is uncomfortable. Doesn't matter if you're chewing or not, it will pop just opening your mouth for head. hahahaha it blows. literally. xD