By JordanAfml - 03/09/2015 21:14 - United States - Lake Havasu City

Today, I found my cat who's been missing for three days, sitting inside my neighbor's window. He won't answer the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 740
You deserved it 1 839

JordanAfml tells us more.

OP here. My cat is an indoor cat, we rescued her when she was 2 months old and she never left the house in the last 3 years. My dog popped a corner of the screen out of one of my windows and that's how my cat got outside. We went to all of our nearby neighbors asking them to keep an eye out for her, and the particular person who has my cat hates my husband. We thought it was strange he was being so nice and friendly towards us the first day, and now we know why.

Top comments

Of course the cat won't answer the door. He doesn't have opposable thumbs. Sorry to hear that, OP. Can you get the police involved?


TheLostCauseFML 40

Publicly shame him. Let everyone in your complex know what he did.

that cat puns are hilliarious.. i do hope u get your cat back though!!!

I have to laugh at the people who think they know anything about dogs. first off, just like humans evolve, so do animals! so cut the crap about " pitbulls are bred to fight it's there instinct" yoi are ignorant!. Every Breed of dog is capable of biting someone, and people make the mistake of saying " it's the way they are raised" what you don't realize is you are doing the breed a great disservice by saying that . dogs are all different, just like humans, all dogs are different and have different personalities. poodles bite people every day but people don't judge them for it, but because an amstaff and bulldog cam bite harder, they are judged and euthanized because people are pathetic and let innocent animals did everyday because people like some of you on here are completely ignorant and know nothing. pitbulls and every other dog out there is an individual, pitbulls are abused everyday and then get rescued, and can still manage to be loving and amazing with other animals as well, but that wasn't how they were raised at all,raised in an aggressive environment, yet manage to still be loving! so screw every one of you who think pitbull have the " instinct" to attack. you are pathetic. coming from a veterinary student ✌

carlfirebolt 27

Well, have you gotten your poor kitty back yet?

this makes my heart hurt... same thing happened to me, kinda. my dog in someone else's yard, my mom didn't let me go get her T^T

We had a cat walk in when a pizza was delivered. We checked missing pet sites and looked for posters, but didn't post found because we didn't want false claimers. A week passed and nothing. We had just decided to keep it when we found a note on our door - "hey that's MY cat in your house". ofc we returned it. We got no thank you for feeding and looking after it. The next day they threw the cat back outside. I found her body on the side of the road the next week. YDI for throwing the cat outside.

YDI referring to OP or the asshole owner of the now-deceased cat?

I would just drive a large vehicle through the wall. At a decent rate of speed. Then take your cat home.

some_dumb_kid46 7