By xoccerplaya - 06/10/2011 10:46 - United States

Today, I forgot what I was doing while listening to a voicemail and started talking back to it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 528
You deserved it 11 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My brothers voice mail starts out with a conversation and goes just kidding leave a message. I fall for it everytime

I feel like you're one of those people who absentmindedly talk to their furniture and appliances.


mintcar 9

Hahaha, it happens. One time I was soooooooooo tired, I tried using the iPhone calculator to dial a phone number.

Oh god, drugs and people are bad combination.

I've done that before... Haha it's funny when you think about it. :3

I tend to do that in public& to myself i mean...

oxxxjackyxxxo 3

me too to kill the akwardness

Have you ever herped so hard you derped?

mistersheezy 7

As long as you didn't get mad and hang up on the voicemail......

Voicemail: "Please enter your password." OP: "Don't mind if I do, Mr. Voicemail!"

Talk about your average *puts on sunglasses* ONE WAY CALL