By Sleepy head - 07/10/2013 01:34 - United States

Today, I fell asleep while my boyfriend and I were having sex. What's worse is that he didn't even notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 752
You deserved it 15 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might be time to spice things up in the bedroom, OP!


Unless you were either really tired or totally wasted, you probably need to work on your communication skills in your relationship. If he's not doing a good job in bed, tell him where he's going wrong! Plus if you fell asleep you can't have been doing much- don't make him do all the work. :)

clearly he's used to you being a dead fish. no sympathy on that one.

If he didn't notice them damn that's a statement bout how you do usually

missbitch1993 7

That's saying something. Either you need to spice things up in the bedroom or he seriously sucks in bed o.o

Wait, then how'd you know he didn't notice if you were asleep? OP