By KrazyKill - 09/03/2012 19:04 - Canada

Today, I faked being sick so I could weasel out of a chemistry test at school. Happy that I pulled it off, I posted my accomplishment on Facebook. I forgot that I'm friends with my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 990
You deserved it 75 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Teabubbles 8

*In Red Forman's voice* "DUMBASS" .

lolololer 8


And to think kids like you will be running this country some day. We are really screwed.

jossiegregg 5
needsagf14 12

Chemistry is easy. Just study next time bub

KelseyMahonee 0

It's called delete it .. Fucktard .

babiigirl1993 6
oops_im_fucked 8

Why would you post that on Facebook in the first place?

irepmn 14
dr_tired13 4

Good job ferris bueller...nice try

hippyhater3000 4