By mizzleshizzle - 09/03/2010 18:42 - Canada

Today, I dropped my physics class because I thought I bombed the 50% second midterm test. I got my results an hour after dropping online. I finished with an 83. I can't get back into the course. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 293
You deserved it 64 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really need to check first before you do something like that. That's 101% your fault, Y completely DI.

How is this in the love category? Also YDI.


Next time see the results before acting?

SammehDx 6

Physics sucks so bad. :( that stinks I'm sorry. At least you know you could do well in physics if you did it again?

littlebluepill 1

Why not wait for the results? You totally deserve it.

bendapanda 7

Why drop before you knew for sure?!?

Don't count your chickens until they hatch

You're telling me that you dropped out of a class because you thought that you did bad?