By fat teen - 05/06/2016 23:33 - United Kingdom - Leeds

Today, I decided to get back in shape so I went swimming. I only managed 10 lengths and was completely out of breath. I was so embarrassed that when a lifeguard asked me if I was OK, I made up a story about a leg injury as a reason to leave only 15 minutes after I got in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 524
You deserved it 2 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's perfectly fine. Just remember it is going to take you some time to get back in to things especially with more vigorous exercises like swimming. Wish you the best of luck with getting back into shape.

10 lengths? That's pretty good! I would be tired after 10 lengths as well. Next time maybe after the 10 lengths take a break to catch your breath and do another 10 lengths. Never give up. Never back down. You can do it bro!


Why were you embarrassed? Swimming is one of the more vigorous exercises out there(at least for an untrained swimmer), so 10 lengths of a pool big enough to have a lifeguard is actually pretty impressive.

Because "yeah, I'm just out of shape" is just too embarrassing to explain.

Good for you for deciding to get back in shape! I am doing that as well and the best thing I can say is take it slow. Try to build yourself up slowly rather than go too hard.

10 lengths is not bad for swimming laps for the first time or the first time in a very long time. When I first started swimming I could only swim one length at a time without having to stop to catch my breath. Just keep practicing. You'll get better.

Everybody has to start somewhere. You did the one important thing you have to do, and that is to start. The next thing is to keep going on. It will be hard. In fact, if it were easy everybody would do it. You took a first step that not everybody is wanting to do. Keep going and you'll see results, you'll feel great everytime you did your workout/swim, think of that feeling. Don't be ashamed of something you just started doing. You can't start at the hardest level. Gotta play on easy first. Don't be afraid of failing, because you can't fail if you do your best, you only fail if you quit. Slow results are better than no results! You can do it. I wish you, and everybody out there who is struggeling, the best of luck!

Good for your for trying to get back in shape, but why lie? There's nothing embarrassing about trying to get back in shape. I'm trying to do the same myself, but in the privacy of my own home with YouTube videos. Sure you may have to stop and take breaks while you're exercising, but the more you do it, the longer you'll be able to go.

Shay_Shay97 23

Don't feel bad at all OP. Swimming is so much harder than people make it out to be. Honestly, there's no way I would've made it 10 lengths. I would just sink like the Titanic.

Ok, I put YDI, but not because you quit or could only do ten lengths. I put it because if one person asking if you are ok made you quit, I think you can do better. You convinced yourself to get up and get to the pool, just tell him you are getting back in shape. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, you're doing more than 90% of people I know. Good luck.

Hey, at least you're making an effort to get healthy. As someone who has struggled with weight issues for years I wish you the best of luck! And hey if you have a bad day don't just quit... get up the next day and try to do better! </3