By anonymous - 30/10/2009 07:45 - United States

Today, I decided to adopt a 11 year old dog that has been in need of a home for several months. Two hours after I got him home, I discovered him dead in the backyard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 758
You deserved it 3 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats a shame, but you should be proud of yourself for doing something like that in the first place. It shows u care for it's life, even in it's last hours.

wellinever 5

Probably small consolation, but the poor dog probably died very happy to think that he had found a new owner who loved him. Upsetting for you, but the best ending he could have wished for. When you are ready, have another go. Definitely not an FML. You should feel your life is blessed.


LeStab 4

well at least he died close to someone who loved him

Ellowise_fml 0

aww, but at least you were nice enough to adopt an older dog. Older animals have the hardest time when their owners can't keep them, because no one wants them.

aw, but that was still really sweet of you. he died in a good place with someone who loved him.

You should be happy knowing that he died having a home and someone who cared for him.

This shouldn't be a FML. Be happy that you were able to give him a nice place to die instead of rotting away in a pound. I adopted an 8 year old German Shepherd that was also in the pound for several months. Even though it's sad and it sucks when they die so soon, at least they were happier than being stuck in a cage lying in their own waste.

primogen18 0

I was going to say this as well, maybe he was on his way out and was waiting just for someone like you to come along and "save him" from dying in a shelter. Animals are much more perceptive of such situations then we give them credit for.

KrystleLynn 0

Aww :] This isn't an FML, the dog died happy and knew it was loved. This makes me happy, good for you for being a good person :D

Blue_Coconuts 7

was the dog named Chill by any chance?