By BBeffedmylife - 14/06/2014 14:18 - United States - Morganville

Today, I collected a package from a handsome UPS guy. We exchanged smiles, and he even noticeably checked me out. I was feeling really confident for the first time in a while. Then I went inside and saw that I had two huge breastmilk spots on my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 590
You deserved it 7 926

BBeffedmylife tells us more.

OP here! Stoked that this got published! A couple of things... This actually happened last year. I had just had my daughter a couple months prior. For those of you who have never had children, it takes awhile to be comfortable with your body after being pregnant and giving birth to baby. Also, for those of you wondering, I am actually a married woman. Married women can still find someone attractive without wanting to get in their pants. I was mostly just flattered that someone was actually taking notice in me after feeling so huge and unattractive for the past year. Thank you so much for the positive comments!! A lot of you made me smile and laugh!

Top comments

1dvs_bstd 41

le husband shows up, wearing a bane mask "well hello there Mr. UPS man, you should have left my wife alone! Now Let's go for a drive."

746278Ab 14

Haha maybe he's into great moms! No worries, if he still checked you out with stains just image you without them next time!


If he liked what he saw the milk stains don't matter ;)

Gravenmuir 18

OP, you should have used the bend and snap!

Don't have enough already with a baby and presumably a partner..?

She can't feel flattered by some attention from the opposite sex? you do know she is a woman with a pulse right? in any case I think the OP was happy because she was reassured she still has it going on after feeling... "different" (I say it like this because I have no idea what being pregnant feels like, mmmmk?) in her own skin.

He was probably thinking one of two things. "Hot mama" or "Om nom nom." Either way, be encouraged, not down.

most men who arent fathers are confused by whats going on in the "chestical"area of pregnant women or recent mothers lol

KatyLarae 13

Unless he seemed grossed out, he still enjoyed the view. So keep that confidence OP

Bet this would've been a whole different FML if it weren't a 'handsome' UPS guy, hmm?

One's idea of handsome isn't necessary other's idea of handsome.