By anonymous - 16/01/2012 19:55 - United States

Today, I came out to my father. He seemed to be totally okay with it, as long as I'm the "man" in my relationships. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 287
You deserved it 9 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can be whoever you want to be. Good for you for telling him. Stay strong grasshoppah. :)

Hey it coulda been worse. Seems like a cool dad to me...


kittySplash 0

Wow that might have been a joke but Gays our awesome I love you guys I'm happy your happy

coolsk8rdude 0

congrats for having the guts to coming out! the rest doesn't matter

I think that him saying you need to be the 'man' in the relationship is much better than how many fathers have reacted. My friend's father believed he had lost his masculinity entirely and kicked him out of the house.....your situation is a lucky one.

hewro_failure 11

I Hate that they close comments because they don't want things getting out of hand ... Even though this is just FML a website made in a country containing freedom of speech

hewro_failure 11

Anyway this isn't an FML cause at least he accepted you right away considering a lot of parents are ****** up and disown their children and that is so much worse than anyone being gay especially because they merely read it out of a book

Optomisticpencil 7

OMG this happened to my friends ex. He came out to his extremely catholic father who lost it before pausin and asking: 'do you ****, or are you ******?'. He didn't want to upset his dad further so he said: 'i ****' After that everything was peachy.

So? That's so mellow!! My dad hasn't talked to me since I came out, and my partner's family kicked her out of the house.

Moonheart13 1

I don't know why you are so upset. At least your dad is okay with your decision. You sound really whiny.

CaroAurelia 12

Well, I'm neither gay nor a man so I'll never have that conversation, but I bet that's awkward.