By thanksmom - 01/05/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, I called my mom for the first time in a few weeks, just to chat because I miss her. When she picked up, the first thing she said was, "Why are you calling? What's wrong? Do you have swine flu??" When I told her that I didn't, and I just wanted to chat, she hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 066
You deserved it 4 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bitch! Next time she calls you with something important hang up on her and then ignore her phonecalls for a while.

Shoulda gone with the swine flu answer


#52, sorry i think my comment was easily misconstrued... i think the whole flu thing is really stupid, and to be honest, it's probably more easily spread by letting a bunch of teenagers run wild on a second spring break than by sending kids to school.. haha

utdftw 0

your mother must be white trash, which makes you...

TeenaBina 0

My parents are the same, hah

You all know that its gone to stage 6 now right? its a higher stage than the spanish influenza in 1918. That was the worst one. It shouldnt be taken very lightly.

l33tm0nk3y 0

That sucks. But also: lol, swine flu. #58, you best be trollin' cuz seriously it's just an average, run-of-the-mill flu bug. It's certainly nowhere near the 1918 Spanish flu. Sure, maybe if you're in a 3rd world country it could be fatal, but odds are if you're in a place where you have a phone and internet access you have good enough living conditions that a few days of proper nutrition and bed rest should lick it easily.

Around 100 Americans die from the flu everyday. One undernourished kid dies of swine flu and everyone freaks out.

omg! u guys dont get it..her mum's probably just equally annoyed that her daughter doesn't call oft.! And hung up going all-yeah whatever, where'd all the sudden spurt of love come from! :)

she could have been getting laid. you might have disturbed her in the middle of it.

Aw, sucks about your mum being so mean, but at least she was worried about your health! Swine flu debate - I live in Australia and there has been over 1000 cases of swine flu, I think ten people have died now, but they all had underlying medical conditions. Swine flu IS different to the normal flu because it has a strain of bird flu and swine flu which IS like the spanish flu and it IS easier to spread this swine flu in this modern age. HOWEVER! The normal flu kills over 3000 people in Australia every year, whereas Swine flu has killed ten at most this year. It is something to be careful about and be mindful of good hygine and limit the spread of the swine flu as much as possible, but it isn't as big a deal as the media is playing it up to be. A scared population is an easy to control population which is what the government and media like. The media especially like people worried about things like this because people want to know more about it and thus buy more newspapers and there ratings go up, therefore they profit from public panic and it is in there best interest to hype up stories about the swine flu. and #63 - lol