By CatLady - 06/01/2014 19:20 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I brought up the subject of marriage with my boyfriend. His response was to shoot me with a nerf gun and laugh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 213
You deserved it 9 641

Same thing different taste


[A grease-stained mechanic emerges, wiping his hands on a rag.] Well there's your problem!

RedPillSucks 31

Sounds like he's too immature to think about that yet.

JMichael 25

Hopefully he's just messing with you, if not don't break up with him. Talk to him and discuss each of your feelings on marriage. Maybe you two can come to an understanding.

perdix 29

And this is why your better states don't allow 14-year-olds to marry.

challan 19

But he's her cousin so it's alright.

Honestly nerf guns are a lot funnier than marriage anyways.

lightanddark 17

well, that settles whether he thinks he's ready, and whether you think he's ready

If he likes it than he should have put a ring on it!! Maybe he needs to mature a little.

Why put a ring on it when you can just stick a nerf dart to it?

specialist8404 10