By oldtexas - 13/08/2009 07:27 - United States

Today, I bought a freezer mug that looks like it's full of water. I've been playing tricks on my friends by throwing the empty cup at them. After doing this a few dozen times, my 83 year-old mother came to visit. I played the same trick on her. The joke's on me. My Dad filled the cup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 263
You deserved it 67 475

Same thing different taste


XRiseToFallAgain 0

At least you didn't throw the actual cup?...

ohmymg 0

YDI for not feeling the difference of the cup's weight

raseanador 0

Oh god, I thought you were going to say you gave her a heart attack!

babydollxD 0

oh god i thought u were gonna say u killed her or gave her a heart attack or something lol hahaXD

toshiro10div 0

you deserved it. learn how to spell you idiot, there is no such word as "feezer".

how could you not know that there was water in there :/

Good god. The majority of the people presume to know the relationship that this man has with his mother and bust his balls for doing something that she very well may have laughed her ass off at. My great-grandmother (who just turned 90) still goes around...sits on your face and farts.