By zlotytarasy - 14/10/2009 22:03 - Poland

Today, I accepted a great job offer I've been working months to earn so I can continue to live with my fiancé here in Poland. I just found out that my work visa was denied. Now I have to fly home to Canada and reapply before coming back. This takes a month. My new job starts tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 940
You deserved it 3 536

Same thing different taste

Spiralling out of control

By Anonymous - 18/12/2023 03:00 - United States - Swartz Creek

Today, I was told a job offer that would've changed my life had been taken back, due to one part in the onboarding process. I’ve already sold my car, ended the lease to my apartment, and purchased a non refundable plane ticket. With little to no money and the Christmas break coming soon, I feel like I’m going to die with no backup plan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 624
You deserved it 156

Top comments

AliMarie 0

Don't apply for a job without a visa. That's just plain dumb. And you can start your job, explain the visa situation, and reapply for one online while in Poland. You only need to fly back to Canada for one day to get your biometrics done. Then you can return to Poland as a visitor or whatever. Your work should give you a month's leeway and if you have a promise of a job a visa should only take 15 days or so once it reaches your homeland's office. YDI for freaking out and posting on FLM instead of doing your research. Stupid people.

MiddleChild08 0

does anyone think this post strongly resembles the plot in The Proposal? Anywho, if it is real, and if you are officially engaged to be married, why didn't you immediately apply for a fiance visa?


so you cant you just be an illegal alien from canada ? thats a really long walk, not to swim across the ocean back to candyland. at least u get free cabdy. some black kid told me candyland is in canada when i was a kid. and i believed him.

@32: yes! I just watched that today and I had the same thought! lol

yourkiddingright_fml 0

Very poor planning on your part. You check the visa thing BEFORE you apply for the job!

nan0_fml 0

YDI for not sorting it out earlier. And Poland is pretty shitty. Lots of racist/homophobic/nationalist/dumb ppl. I know this because I live there. Get your girl and go back to Canada

Cat135 0

"dumb people!!!!" you are an idiot.... Polish kids are much more educated than american. I remeber learning how to multiply in 4th grade. In Poland they lern in 1 or 2.

I thumbed you down for insulting other peoples educating with spelling errors.

Suaria 38

I live in California so I live in the USA. I went to public school from kindergarten-8th grade. I was learning multiplication and division tables when I was a 2nd grader. I'm going to be a senior in high school after summer and I'll be in Calculus. So our math system doesn't totally suck, it just depends on what school you go to.

Polands a great place to live. Just Americans forget you can be happy if your not part of their country, the country i might add that is not top of the 'best countries to live in' list.

Puolukka i don't know what visa you're on, but he must not have been legal in the first place if that's the situation now. sucks :-( and to the op. you idiot. you know you need a work visa, so make it current.

theblondeglory 0

You can't just get married to her today and stay there can you?

Don't fly home except for paperwork. Use a legal proxy where ever able.

That sucks :(... I hope it resolves quickly I just visited my BF in Poland. I love it there! :) Ppl and culture are wonderful, and its beautiful! :D Beer is good too! Na zdrowie!! :))