By anonymiss - 13/04/2009 16:12 - Canada

Today, half asleep, I dropped my pill before I could take it. I quickly picked it up and washed it down. Five hours later, I just found my pill on the ground. What did I swallow? FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 803
You deserved it 25 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you not even look at what you were swallowing?! thats what she said


bahahaha 0

whatever it was it helped you sleep! oh, and in a few hours, you'll see what you ate if you know what i mean 0.0

so_me_fml 0

Err, correction, I think #2 is a she? I apologize :)

sofia234 0

oh i cant even tell you how many times this has happened to me when I'm half-asleep. hopefully it wasn't anything bad haha!

how long'd you sleep for that'll tell you .

I'm sorry, but I have to make a Left 4 Dead reference. GRABBIN PEELS!

lol this was a good one, made me lol

baby_bitch 0

#76..thanks for editing the part about me killing myself..that was just a bit harsh.

I'm with 67. If you're not dead, this is not an FML. How is your life ******? And I like how this one is bringing out the crazies ;)

beccalee95 0

very nice. id go to the doctor. : )