By mikeyamazing - 28/12/2009 05:00 - France

Today, feeling festive, I sent everyone on my phone's contact list a holiday message. Almost everyone replied back "who's this?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 480
You deserved it 4 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably have a phone full of 5 year old contacts you don't talk to anymore. I know I do.. I have people on my phone that I don't even know who they are..

I'm pretty sure thisd happen to me too.. since I never use my phone


I have one friend who does this all the ******* time. She never knows who I am when I call her, then she bitches when we see each other about how I never call her....

tonyihopness 0
mina_8 0

Did you even give them your number? :/ lol.

dethstruk 0

Sometimes I have actual conversations with people via text message. Just normal, everyday things. Then I later find out they actually didn't know who they were talking to, but would chat anyway...

Haha haha haha hahaha hahah hahah haha you fail big time homie <3

YDI. Mass texts are annoying. The people in your phonebook expect you to use their number to communicate with them, not just to broadcast whatever happens to be on your mind. If you want to make random announcements to everybody you know, get a Twitter account.

SmexiiStevie 1

haha omg. that's sooo true. i HATE mass texts...the twitter account for replacement of mass texts is a good idea. i never thought of it that way...i hate it when people mass text me with stuff like..."hey"...or..."wats up"...or..."i'm bored"...its just so aggravating.