By aprilmay91 - 11/03/2012 12:38 - United States

Today, at work at a gas station kiosk, a man requested a carton of cigarettes. We keep our cigarettes on a high shelf. I'm short and very large chested so I have to jump in order to reach the carton. He said, "I only come here for the entertainment" and left without purchasing his cigarettes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 945
You deserved it 4 014

aprilmay91 tells us more.

We have a step stool but it broken and the last time I used it i fell and twisted my ankle and bruised my arm.


bubo_fml 10

You may want to consider working for tips to suppliment your income?

Grab a stick and knock the cartons down. Obviously your boobaliciousness is distracting. Keep them stationary and keep your feet on the ground so guys won't fantasize about having your feet in the air...if you get my drift ;)

Normally there would be a step-stool somewhere.

iraqvet0405 1

At least your getting a free workout u outta pay him.

bubo_fml 10

Actually, you have my sympathy. Once, a girl w/ extremely large ta-tas liked me. I avoided going out w/ her solely because I didn't want everyone to think I was going out w/ her only for her gargantuan Winnebagos. She was a really sweet person & all, but Damn! I regret passing up those huge globes of joy!!

I'm sorry to break it to you, but you did exactly what you didn't want people to think you did. Only the opposite, but worse.

btstig 11

Kudos for using everything but the word ****.

You shouldn't have to tolerate sexual harassment. Report him to management and identify him to them next time he comes in and refuse to serve him if you ever see him again. If the management refuses to do anything about it and/or instructs you to continue to serve him, report them to their boss. If they do nothing, quit and sue the company.

Oh, come on. That's not sexual harassment. That's you being a prude. I agree that the guy's being rude, though. Don't you have any taller co-workers, or something like a stool you can place by the shelves?

You're a ******* moron, #60. Sexual harassment is defined as "any unwelcome sexual advance." His comment was sexually suggestive and obviously unwelcome, & therefore is sexual harassment. Our bodies aren't for your entertainment. They house our brains. Learn some respect, ass hole.

Because, clearly, since I see both sides of the coin I am necessarily a respectless pervert, yes? You're telling me to learn respect, all the while belittling me on the baseless assumption that I'm some kind of stereotype you don't like (hint: I'm not). The guy was being rude. Oh my god, that's so horrible he deserves to be sued out of his home. Wait, no it isn't. Rudeness should not be a reason to go to court, unless it's particularly bad and against your work ethics or somesuch. Violence, rape and fraud are reasons to go to court. But some guy making a snide comment about you being attractive and wasting a modicum of your time while at it? Oh, please. Some people have it worse, you know?

I'm with 60 on this. 54 The guy was rude and very creepy, but not worth suing or getting your panties in a bunch over. If this were a guy with big muscles complaining about a female customer who got him to lift something heavy, only to not buy it and say "I only come here for the view," would you be so offended? Chances are that you wouldn't. Most people here would tell him to quit whining and get some. You seem like one of those people with the view of "If he's cute it's flirting, if he's ugly it's harassment" (though this situation would be annoying, if not creepy, anyway you slice it).

Reread my comment, jackass. I NEVER said she should sue the customer. I said she should inform her management and refuse to serve him, as is typical company policy when a customer sexually harasses an employee. I then said she should sue THE COMPANY if they don't take appropriate action.

I didn't see anything about suing the guy? Seriously, read the comment properly before commenting on it. And yes, that is sexual harassment, and yes, op should tell her management.

Companies are legally obligated to take reasonable action to protect their employees from being sexually harassed. If the customer is not dealt with appropriately she is within her rights to sue them. Maybe then they'll learn their lesson and take sexual harassment more seriously, as should you.

I'm with 65. Our bodies are NOT for entertainment. No one should sue, but you can complain to a manager and refuse service. #88, doesn't matter if they're cute or ugly. It's harassment either way.

Someone got hot and bothered quickly (*ahem* #54). Calm down. I can see where both sides are coming from, and I'll actually also side with #60. No, you didn't say sue, but you DID day report. Who the eff is she going to report him to? It's not like he works there. Amd like #60 said, he made a snide comment, he didn't grope her. To be honest, you seem like someone who would blow their handy-dandy rape whistle if a guy even looked at you the wrong way.

#138 Illiteracy seems to be running rampant today. I said she should report him TO HER MANAGEMENT. It doesn't matter that he doesn't work there. They can still confront him about it and/or ban him from the store.

BTW #138 FYI, you presumptuous jackass, I'm a sailor in the US Navy & am surrounded by pervy sailors all day everyday. They crack sexual jokes & whatnot but as long as they don't disrespect me (none of them have yet) I don't mind. What happened to OP IS sexual harassment & it should NOT be tolerated

Hmmmm. So much for calming down. That aside, what did you think I interpreted when I read "report"? Who the **** else would she report it to? Another customer? Don't get me wrong, he was a lowlife perv. But if we threw everyone who made a perverted joke in jail, them the majority of guys on earth would be there. As for being in the Navy, it seems to have done a number on your patience. I respect what you do for our country, but I won't respect you if your going to throw around the word "jackass" because someone stated an opinion.

Oh please, #157. Don't ask, "who the eff is she going to report to?" & then pretend like you knew. I also never said he should be "thrown in jail." & sorry but say I'm "the type to blow a rape whistle if a guy looked at you wrong" b/c I recognize sexual harassment that makes you a jackass.

btstig 11

Look all I'm saying is...that makes me a saaaaaaaaaaaad panda.

Just smile to yourself knowing that's the only action said customer is gonna get.

Liking "big boobies" gives them no right to sexually harass a woman.

courtneyann211 10

71- not true!! Some of us with larger breasts actually like them! Yes, they're a pain and finding shirts to cover them is a struggle, but I still enjoy having them!