By leem - 27/08/2014 21:21 - Belgium - Zoersel

Today, as I was driving out of a parking lot, some douchebag yelled at me: "Nice car! Too bad you're so ugly!" It was my friend's car, so I don't even have that going for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 566
You deserved it 3 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are just jerks op. Move on and dont let other peoples stupid comments bring you down


I would have shouted back "and you have a shitty personality!"

At least you have your friend? haha

OP, that moron needs to insult random strangers to make himself feel better. What does that say about his life? You should actually feel good about yourself because clearly you must be in a much better place than him.

The comments section for this FML had more strong-positive-pulled out of your ass-brown nose-assumption based reinforcement than any other FML I've ever seen. It's like, "oh no, he called her ugly, end of the world!"... Yet if she called him ugly, there would be a reason people would be trying to find as to why. Each and every single one of you that assumes she's not ugly is a moron. Each and every single one of you that says looks don't matter is a hypocrite and a liar. And no, I'm not insulting anyone. You're insulting people by blatantly lying to their face, per se. I'm simply being honest. Go ahead and down vote me for not jumping on the pity train and Oprah train. FML isn't the place to help ugly people. Want to do that? Do it in real life where it'll mean something besides internet dribble.

Laugh with them. They'll be confused when you say, "Yeah, I am pretty ugly!"

paramor3 23

Oh, because he's the ultimate decider on who's hot or not...yeahhh NO! You have friends...don't worry about it OP! That ***** is bound to end up sad and lonely with that winning personality of his ;)

Guys only insult women when they are insecure about their own selves. Meaning, he was deflecting his sense of ugliness onto you.

That is awful of him. He probably picked any random person to insult - he probably barely looked at you and had been planning to insult someone all day and thought he was so funny. I should imagine he didn't pick you because of how you look at all as he must know that you can call ANYONE ugly and they will probably believe it to an extent.

They just said that cause they were jealous of the car. Pay them no mind.