By nothingisreal69 - 01/03/2011 22:21 - Reserved

Today, as I was driving home from work, a bird decided to commit suicide by flying in front of my car. The shock caused me to slam on the brakes, totaling three other cars in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 304
You deserved it 13 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You weren't leaglely at fault, so don't crow about your problems here. You're pigeon-holing yourself as whiny. Swallow your pride, tell your husband that he doesn't rule the rooster - toucan play this game. If he won't play wren you fight back, call him chicken. From heron out, you can be on the offensive. If he throws something at you, duck. Owl bet this strategy will work. Good luck!

Funny how that pilot that hit some birds and crashed his plane into the Hudson River is a hero, but when you do it...


loveseggsncheese 0
happyFace12 0

you are such a bitch. it made your day that a bird was killed because somebody doesn't know how to drive? BITCH

happyFace12 0

you calm down and what kind of a bitch says "awwwwww you killed a bird cuz you don know how to drive!!! I am soo happy!!!!!"?

Someone needs to pop some Midol. Good LORD, woman.

happyFace12 0

I'm not the one screaming and swearing at people and calling them names, dear. Grow up.

happyFace12 0

well I mean who goes around saying YAYAYAYAYAYAYA?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KILLED A BIRD IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!

You weren't leaglely at fault, so don't crow about your problems here. You're pigeon-holing yourself as whiny. Swallow your pride, tell your husband that he doesn't rule the rooster - toucan play this game. If he won't play wren you fight back, call him chicken. From heron out, you can be on the offensive. If he throws something at you, duck. Owl bet this strategy will work. Good luck!

At first i thought you were doing some very bad spelling there Doc...

horseracingjocey 0

how long did that take you? pretty good though. lol

Doc has a big book of word play he keeps for easy reference. It's called a compundium.

DaveOnDope 4

Everything depends on your speed and the size of the bird. A Pheasant came through my windshield when I was going 70mph. Blood and gore everywhere. Never did find an actual carcass.

LesCDeal 6

I wouldn't say it's "all" your fault, but you could have prevented it. Most people who call out other drivers for following too close are being hypocritical. Almost everyone does it at some point (it's called bumper-to-bumper traffic) and no one expects you to brake hard for something they can't see themselves. It's a sad fact of driving, but you have to expect people to follow too closely. The lesson here is that while you can't control how close to you other drivers are to you, you can decrease the odds of them hitting you by not making any sudden moves unless the situation is absolutely dire. Hitting your breaks for a bird, rabbit, cop with a radar gun, etc doesn't count as a 'dire' situation. If it's a large dog, deer, what have you, that's different.

kidskater24 0
alexavb15 4

Lmao Win Tango,! Hehee, Duckin' Road :P

IT WAS YOUR FAULT!!! "basic accident avoidance ...and commen sence says that you dont slam on the breaks for a bird and risk the life of other motorists...your a dumbass, and a women driver :)

Commen sence? Breaks? Seriously? I won't even comment on the sexist bullshit. Oops! Guess I just did.

If you're going to call someone a dumb ass, at least know the difference between your and you're. LOL @ "commen sence"

gonzaval 0