By nothingisreal69 - 01/03/2011 22:21 - Reserved

Today, as I was driving home from work, a bird decided to commit suicide by flying in front of my car. The shock caused me to slam on the brakes, totaling three other cars in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 304
You deserved it 13 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You weren't leaglely at fault, so don't crow about your problems here. You're pigeon-holing yourself as whiny. Swallow your pride, tell your husband that he doesn't rule the rooster - toucan play this game. If he won't play wren you fight back, call him chicken. From heron out, you can be on the offensive. If he throws something at you, duck. Owl bet this strategy will work. Good luck!

Funny how that pilot that hit some birds and crashed his plane into the Hudson River is a hero, but when you do it...


SuperLeap_fml 0

Birds don't commit suicide. So it's just means that you have bad luck.

roydawgg 3

when I kill a bird I keep going it is your fault birds are way different from deer, dogs, cats, etc there's no need to be all environmentalist over them

I doubt this was about environmentalism. Something large splatters against your windshield out of nowhere, and you react. Chances are that OP hit the brakes before identifying the bird.

you only slam the brakes when you see the traffic in front of you stopped on the highway or when you see an animal on the road... you don't slam the breaks when you see a bird on your windshield.. what kind of logic is that? obviously it is the op's fault because she slammed the breaks for no reason.. the cars around her weren't expecting this because they probably saw the traffic flowing smoothly around them... when your driving at high speeds even if you are far from the car in front of you if they randomly slam their breaks and slow down to zero km/h and you are driving at 100 km/h you are going to reach the car infront of you pretty fast dont you think?

what are you on about? Depending on the size of the bird, a bird could smash your windshield if you ran into it too fast. Slamming on the brakes could easily be a very reasonable reaction. Why is it ok to slam on your brakes for a small animal crossing the road (which you'll just kill but won't endanger you), but it's not ok to slam on the brakes for a bird that could potentially shatter the windscreen and either a) injure someone inside the car or b) make the windscreen too damaged to drive with? Also, you obviously know nothing about driving rules. No matter what speed you are going at, it is your responsibility to make sure you allow enough space between you and the car in front of you to react. This means you alter that distance according to the speed you are going. eg. if you are driving at 20km/hr the distance you need to leave between you and the next car would be much shorter than if you were driving 100km/hr. If you are unable to stop when the person in front slams on their brakes, then that is your fault because you did not leave enough time for your reaction. What if the person in front of you had to slam on their brakes because a child ran out into the road? Would you still say it's their fault because all the other traffic was "flowing smoothly" and you weren't "expecting" that?

did i argue about the rules of driving.. did i say anywhere that you should ride a foot behind the car in front of you.. i know the rules of the road and that when you hit the car in front of you from behind its your fault.. i never argued that once.. the point is that the op caused the accident even if it wasn't legally her fault since she got hit from behind... how the hell do you compare a kid on the road to a bird.. obviously your gonna slam the breaks if you see a kid in front of you on the road... the bird had already hit her windshield and then she slammed her breaks like an idiot.. and how big are the birds that hit your windshield? a bird is not gonna break your windshield.. a little common sense goes a long way.. stop arguing for the sake of arguing because its obvious the op didn't react properly to the situation

At least you got 10 points for hitting the bird.

your a women u can't drive. I would laugh too and know it's your fault

You're a man and you have bad grammar. I just thought I'd post a useless comment on your useless comment.

aww poor birdie ... but thats sooooo funny! and it was your fault.. hahaha *driving down the road* "holy shit it's a bird!!" *screeching tires* ... you killed the bird and caused a wreck... epic :) gotta love life sometimes lol

LesCDeal 6

A good and experienced driver reacts responsibly and accordingly to unexpected road conditions. Slamming on the breaks is not an appropriate action for this type of situation. One of the first things you learn in driver's ed is how to react to unexpected situations. Just as you can get a ticket for following too closely, you can also get a ticket for reckless endangerment and impeding the flow of traffic (i.e. driving too slow or slamming on your breaks). Food for thought.

that's the biggest load of rubbish ever. Slamming on your brakes to avoid hitting something is not dangerous driving, nor is it unnecessarily impeding the flow of traffic. Impeding the flow of traffic might, for example, be driving too slowly because you're busy putting your makeup on or trying to text a friend, or just coz you're too distracted listening to your music or talking to your passenger. Use a bit of common sense.

Actually you're wrong. At least in the UK, if you slam on your breaks / swerve to miss an animal, and it causes a danger to other road uses, then you shouldn't have done it. You're meant to keep on going and hit it.

maybe you should use a little common sense... a normal reaction to slam the brakes when an animal is infront of you is if that animal is like a deer or something.. not a bird.. why must you be so stubborn.. can't people just admit the op reacted wrong and caused an accident.. they teach you in driving school how to react in situations like this.. that's the point of driving school to avoid getting into accidents like these... clearly op forgot what she was taught at driving school