By xxlenalunaxx - 29/04/2015 11:11 - United States

Today, after waiting for 2 weeks for the right moment to meet my boyfriend's mom, she walked in as I was straddling him, trying to prove that I'd win in a wrestling match. I guess we met, then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 577
You deserved it 4 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you had clothes on! you did have clothes on, right?

trellz17 19


Same thing happened to me except I was on top of him and we were kissing. Clothes were on. I feel your pain.

At least she knows who is the strongest in relationship

MrZsDad 19

Did he use his mom as a distraction to reverse your hold? Did he tap out, and mom lunge in with a Macho Man flying elbow? Did you lock eyes with mom, and spring into a feral leap drawing first blood and establishing doninance over your new pride? we need a follow up....please???

Hi! I'm Logan! I like chicken! What do you like???

Welp. What's done is done, hopefully she believes it was a wrestling match haha

Don't worry, it doesn't matter how you meet your mother-in-law, she still won't like you (at first at least).