By toilet_trouble - 19/04/2014 07:44 - United States

Today, after living in my apartment for nearly a year, I heard my neighbor having a violent toilet session. Now I realize he's always been able to hear the wrath of my bowels too. We wave at each other every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 357
You deserved it 4 646

toilet_trouble tells us more.

Hi. Some of your comments really made me laugh! So, it surprised me I heard him because I've never heard anything other than a vacuum or water in the pipes. This just made me aware he can probably hear a lot more than I previously thought.. Luckily I don't have loud bathroom trips often. I definitely regretted the super loud fart I ripped about 5 minutes prior to hearing him though. :p Anyway, neighbor acts cool so all is well!

Top comments

If he hasn't said anything, he probably doesn't give a shit. If you're still concerned play some music while you release your fury.


As folks have said at least they haven't said anything! If they're not worried then you shouldn't be :). Can understand how awkward you feel though, D:

I would be more worried about the other things you may be doing in the bathroom. I would be mortified if I realized someone could here me singing in the shower.

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skyeyez9 24

There is a female coworker I know who takes a loud, watery sounding diarrhea explosion every time she uses the employee bathroom. The bathroom will still smell hours later. She dont care who is nearby and just lets it go. One would assume you become "poop shy" at work especially if its loud.