By Anonymous - 05/12/2015 05:44 - United States

Today, after about a year of keeping it a secret from my girlfriend, I told her about my foot fetish. She said "EWWWWWWWW!" and left. She's ignoring my calls and has changed her relationship status to single on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 541
You deserved it 6 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

From someone who hates feet with a passion and will chop it off if it comes near me, I wouldn't leave someone because of that fetish. Sorry she wasn't mature enough to accept you, hopefully you will find someone that does.

There are plenty more feet in the sea!


I may not understand that whole foot fetish business, but I do see that she wasn't mature about it. Maybe you're better off without her after all

Personally, despite it being "normal" in some people's eyes, I couldn't bring myself to understand how feet turns people on. Being truly honest, we have been brought up knowing feet carry an array of germs, and that in itself repulses the idea of having feet anywhere near my face. In saying that, kissing and rubbing feet with your significant other can be very stimulating without it being a kink; no more than biting a neck. Feet touching feet? I can live with that. Feet and face? If its a fetish I'm sorry babe, but if my adamant opposition to it turns you off, we aren't right for each other. It's not immaturity; it's called being a realist. Sorry, not sorry.

Axel5238 29

Thank you, the idea persisting Idea the partner should continue if it's something they aren't comfortable with. Most women I've known find feet in general gross. That's it, someone isn't required to understand or close-minded because it isn't their thing. They don't like it move on. What kind of mentality is it if someone isn't into something you are and they know that's not for them? I"d say that's being realistic. Not everything works if you keep trying. Sometimes just cause you tried isn't enough and there is no gold at the end of the rainbow.

You don't have to participate in a fetish you are uncomfortable with, though I'd say you should talk about it and try to find a compromise before you just end things, but this was a ridiculous reaction. Screaming 'ew', ignoring op, and basically letting him know the relationship was over by Facebook status?

mds9986 24

What's so bad about a foot fetish? There's so much worse out there...

There are worse fetishes than foot fetishes.. My ex has a pee fetish.

I do to, and I was up front with my fiance, 3 years. And while it does nothing for her, she was able to live with, partly because she knows I love it, she has nothing massive against it, and mostly because I didn't wait a year, letting her form one opinion of me, just to change something major.

Exactly! A foot fetish is pretty tame compared to some of the stuff people like...

Unsure what all entails a foot fetish & I'm sure it's different from person to person...but heck, if it involves me getting a great foot rub - I'm ALL in. Sounds like a total win-win.

While OP by no means deserves this treatment, I can't agree with others that she should have gotten over it. Did she react immaturely? Hell yes. That being said, some things that are turn-ons for some people are deal breakers for others. If my SO told me they had a fetish for ballooning (It's a thing. Look it up.) I wouldn't judge them for it, but I'd let them know that it'd be something for their alone time. That being said, there are lots of other things that we have tried. It is all about working with what you are comfortable with. It's fine to experiment and push the boundaries, but if someone genuinely dislikes something sexually, they shouldn't participate solely out of the desire to please their partner. Partners should respect each other's boundaries. It really is unfortunate that the OP's girlfriend wasn't open-minded to this particular fetish, but that doesn't mean she is a close minded person in general. The way she handled this, however, was completely childish. TL;DR: Girlfriend was immature, but each person's comfort zone is different and should be respected.

I get that fetishes are personal to the individual and you aren't necessarily going to enjoy or understand them, but that was incredibly immature of her to do that to you (I'm going to assume that you did just inform her and didn't try to force her into anything). I'm sorry OP, I hope you're alright and that you can find someone a lot more mature.

- Seriously, what kind of reaction is that for her to have? You were brave to tell her like that. Some FML's make me feel so mad for the OP.

boredgirl_02 14

I think you waited to long to tell her

megs925 16

Wow. That's awfully childish.

Oh, buddy, I'm so sorry. It must really hurt since you waited so long and trusted her. Don't take it too hard though, if she was that shallow and inconsiderate, she certainly wasn't worth it. Don't feel ashamed about what you like man.