By doglover - 03/11/2009 18:11 - United States

Today, a Milkbone commercial came on TV. At the end of it, they whistle and throw a Milkbone across the screen, prompting my 100lb German Shepherd to leap off the couch and run head on into my new plasma screen TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 488
You deserved it 42

Top comments

Turnip_Girl 0

Aww, and your doggy didn't even get its treat. :(


sugarglitterkiss 4

I guess you might want to wall-mount your new TV! FYL

Apparently you've trained your dog too well, it now responds to TVs whistling. FYL indeed.

I'm calling this a fake. Shepherds are wayyyyyyy too smart for that.

Sounds like someone needs to sue the maker of the commercial. (Those bastards work with the TV companies to provoke pets to destroy TVs and make more money from TV sales.)

well u kno what dog treats are as good as there cracked up to be in the commercials

well u kno what dog treats are as good as there cracked up to be in the commercials

Shadow_Spark 3

Guess it's time to train your dog /not/ to come running when you whistle.