By Anonymous - 06/01/2011 22:57 - United States

Today, a kid grabbed the receiver to my cochlear implant and ran off with it. I went to a security guard, and, if my lip reading was accurate, he said to "try and make it through the day without it". Without it, I can't hear anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 349
You deserved it 2 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have made that kid actually have a need to use it.

sapphirenite 0

security guards wont do shit, next time get a police officer


it's times like this children SHOULD be hit. that's a horrible thing to have happen.

sallen0046 4

I don't understand why you'd have had it sitting somewhere a random child could make off with it in a public place. Maybe I'm overly careful with my things, but if this is something you can't make it through the day without, shouldn't you be paying a little more attention?

Lady_Zydrate 1

It was in my hands as I was untangling my hair from it (there was a lot of windp and he just grabbed it and ran

Find the kid and kill him/her. Its the only logical thing to do at this point.

xXDubbleChic 11

reminds me of myself. on vaca my 3 yearold cuz flushed my glasses down and in cant see more then 3 feet infront of my face

ameliabeth09 0

Omg I'm so sorry I used to work with a special needs child with that... Those are so expensive :( go to the police...

I'm so sorry for all the rude things people say on here. :( The last thing you deserve is to have your hearing wrenched away from you, and any person with common sense would try to be empathetic and not judge you or compare you to themselves but rather put themselves in your shoes for five minutes. I don't know, and couldn't begin to understand what it must feel like, and to be honest this was the first time I'd ever heard of the implant that you have. You didn't deserve to have that taken away from you, and I hope that karma bites that person hard one day for what they did. It was absolutely, and completely wrong. I hope you can at least get a new one if you couldn't get yours back, and if you know who that person was, or ever catch them, I hope they have to pay for it. Just horrible. Honestly. :(

Punch the security guard in the nads, chase the little brat. When you catch up with him, use your best deaf voice: "im a-gonna get all ASL on yo ass" then proceed on beating the shit using all them handshapes resembling fists on the lil cochlear implaint thief.. Later, use the deaf card with the principal if you are mainstreamed... Just saying...

I am proud to say this, I am Deaf with big 'D'.. You deaf with small 'd' I am ashamed of you people! Oh I can't hear.. Come on! You are sending a hearing people a wrong messages! We do not need depend on devices as cochlear implant or hearing aid to live our lives! Deaf Pride!

Joseph9 4

@148 It's not always the person choice of the deaf person to get a Cochlear. My best friend is deaf and has a Cochlear, her parents are hearing and got it for her when she was an infant, they make her wear it. She's 16 and doing her best to learn the culture she was robbed of. But you can't always blame a deaf person for not being enthralled in a culture they failed to find because they're parents made a decision when they were very young.