By Anonymous - 12/05/2014 00:14 - New Zealand - Napier

Today, a guy asked for my number at the grocery store, but I politely told him I wasn't interested. He followed me home and took a shit on my doorstep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 805
You deserved it 7 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He wasn't able to go out with you but he was still able to dump you.

SharnaaaBanana 22

That's disgusting. Who does that.


That is a horrible situation to be in. I would try to report him to the cops as son as I could. This man could be a stalker.

will this be illustrated? hope u got pics!

That's awful!! It gives being "Pissed off" a whole new meaning

Is that even legal? M loosing faith on humanity and no wonder we keep talking abt apocalypse

Should have given him your number and then blocked him. I would have, but I'm so desperate I would have gone out with him anyway

kingdomgirl94 29

According to FML you also appear to be a guy. Situations like this are terrifying; he could have done a lot more than shit on her doorstep.

You NEVER give someone your number if you don't want them to find a way to contact you. Ever. People regularly use their phone numbers for online accounts, such as facebook and google. There are online resources for tracing a person's phone number to find out who owns it and/or where they live. The idea that you can just give it to them and then block it is so stupidly naive of you to say, and some of the worst advice I've seen on here. Not to mention that they can use other peoples' phones to contact you-- or, if they're feeling especially vindictive, post your number online and get people to prank call/try to trace you. There are places that will do that just for ***** and giggles, though you've done nothing wrong. What you SHOULD do is give a fake number. If you know the number for your local pizza place or some other similar place of service, give the first six digits and make the seventh a random one.

Hilarious and disgusting all in the one sentence. I hope you tossed it back at him. With your shoe not your hand.

Ugh! What did he use to wipe? I just picture him roaming around with shit stuck between his butt checks. :P

He was marking his territory. Seriously that is crazy as hell.

Ahhhh, your first stalker... What a special time...