By Username - 05/08/2011 14:05 - United States

Today, a fight broke out in a bar between several people, over some talk about one of their moms being somewhat inclined towards intercourse with her pets. I managed to slip out quietly with just a scratch from flying chair debris, despite having started the rumor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 234
You deserved it 69 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Epsilonyx 15

...well done, my friend. Well done.

Weetart 8

ohhh you deserved to be there in the brawl.


fluffinmycup1 0

How is that an fml u should be glad u only got that rather than some broken bones

"Today, some ass decided to start a rumor about me and my "********** problems". FML" Doesn't that seem more reasonable?

rezzel 0

You had a chance to be in a bar fight and you left. What the **** man

sourgirl101 28

IKR. I know people that stir shit up just so they can throw a few punches around. (: