By TheDrugsAreStrongWithThisOne - 20/07/2015 08:21 - United States

Today, a customer wanted corporate's number because we aren't allowed to sell pies after midnight. After a drug-fuelled cuss-storm, she punched me in the face through the open window and peeled out of drive-thru like a bat out of hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 913
You deserved it 1 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nesteremily 31

Why in the world can't you sell pie after midnight? And I hope you got the license plate or the cameras did!

Hunthas 17

I think it's high time your company changed that policy.


Okay guys the fact that OP wasn't able to sell a pie doesn't give the woman permission to hit

magickiss87 22

I'd have called the police and had her arrested and filed charges against her. Drug fueled rage or not, that's unacceptable. I'd have also given her corporate's number and let her explain to them why it was a"valid reason" to punch you in the face for following their rules. They (corporate) could help aid you in the lawsuit, if not file one on your behalf or help with legal aspect in some way.

wheelchairchick 11

it's a stupid rule but you didn't make it

SaniK 17

You should have seen than coming, I hope you got their license plate number and report it to the police. Assault and battery

Same, she can knock me out anytime! And I'm glad I made your day, hope you're feeling a wee better! :)

Hey OP, I used to work in the food industry too, and it attracts all kinds of crazies! Best you can do is keep looking for a new job, and have a plan to move onto better things :-)

since when aren't you aloud to sell pies after midnight? and it's a possibility she was on her period and just wanted some damn pie.

iAmDictionary 13

Is the period really relevant? Being cranky isn't a good excuse to clock someone in the jaw.

These must be some tasty pies you have! Or inebriated customers. Still, one apple-cinnamon please, I'll be right there. Or maybe later. Extra cinnamon! Or there will be trouble!