By Anonymous - 25/07/2012 01:37 - United States - Solon Springs

Today, a customer punched me in the face for repeating their order back to them because they thought I was making fun of their speech impediment. I have the same speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 438
You deserved it 2 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhimWilliam 1

Shoulda punched him back and say you thought he was making fun of yours

mpj13 8

Good luck talking your way out of this one


24 ~ The speech impediment is not what got OP punched. OP was punched because the person with the same speech impediment as OP thought OP was mocking him. This is an extremely rare occasion, and would most likely never happen to you if you had a speech impediment too. Your first comment, 4, however, was a bit offensive, as it did appear that you were stating that people with speech impediments shouldn't talk to others. People with speech impediments should not be segregated from the rest of society. They're normal people too, just normal people that don't speak in quite the same way as us. With those two things clarified, my work here is done, I hope I've met your requirements as not being a jerk; have a nice day.

13, to answer your question as to why a person like this would be put in this position is because a speech impediment is not the same as being mute, or mentally ill. The op is perfectly capable of getting the orders correct if he is not deaf, just because they have trouble speaking does not mean he should be isolated from humans. Also, had this position had been denied to him due to that in my opinion it would sort of be discrimination.

Just because someone has a speech impediment, studder, etc doesn't make them any less qualified for a job that requires communication than the rest of us. If someone would honestly get pissed off at someone for that reason, they might need some help, or to just get laid to relieve frustration caused by something nobody can control.

Thaumat 4

Definitely telling the customer would shift the "FML moment" to them. You still got punched in the face though, but eh.

My god. Everyone is titled to their opinion. If you don't like, don't listen/read it. If you are unable to do that, YOU have a brain impediment. And this goes for everyone, not just the post I replied to.

Shadow_Phantom 26

*Sigh* Some people are really insecure. FYL, OP.

Ahh, speech impediments are the worst I'm sure. Though he was in the wrong, you should know how he feels. A lot of crap to put up with.

MiloBear 11

Maybe OP's speech impediment isn't extreme, it could just be a lisp or incorrect pronunciation of a sound. Something that isn't hard to understand.

huladancergurl58 4

People are idiots. I would never resort to violence against a complete stranger because I think they are making fun of me.