By shabowbow - 27/03/2014 18:14 - United States - Hillsboro

Today, a bee flew into my classroom and landed on my cheek. Not only am I allergic to these things, I was hit in the face with a textbook to "make sure it's dead." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 819
You deserved it 3 712

shabowbow tells us more.

Thankfully I wasn't stung, and I do appreciate on the long run them hitting me with a textbook. It could've been a lot worse than a headache.

Top comments

I think I'd take a textbook to the face than a allergic reaction anyday.


32, what did this plant ever do to you?


For some reason, I read this in an angry British accent. I regret nothing.

Streetracer15 9

You weren't checking "Facebook" was u

classiceagle63 16

He was saving your life. Be proud someone cared

maggiefox 25

Let's hope it wasn't a math or history textbook...

You face saved the whole class! wear that bruise proudly you hero!

BSIrishman 6
conman531 23

I would take a textbook to the face over a bee sting and I'm not even allergic

Better safe than sorry Op, think of it as a blessing in disguise. A painful one, but a blessing nonetheless!