The first date must've been amazing

By Ami Ditbacher - 11/09/2019 07:53

Today, I went on a second date. He gave me the wrong directions to the restaurant. When it was time to pay for our meal, he casually mentioned that he forgot his wallet. I had to pay, and also tip the waitress who was all over him and didn't spare me a second glance. I'm unemployed and broke. He has a job and it was his idea to eat out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 182
You deserved it 319

Ami Ditbacher tells us more.

Yay my FML story got published! Thanks for all the great suggestions and witty comments (: this guy stopped me on the street about 2 months ago and he seemed pretty okay but I wasn't really looking to date/get into bed with someone. I broke up with my ex last year and some ugly things happened afterwards which left me incredibly insecure, alone and vulnerable. I guess that's why I'm letting people walk all over me? Anyways I gave the guy the benefit of the doubt twice already and there is no doubt now that he's not a nice person. I was absolutely okay with paying for my own meal. His "I-forgot-my-wallet" bit was a shock to me since I've never encountered someone who would be so rude. Also I always tip in restaurants as I usually get a fair treatment (and I rarely eat out since it's expensive and I prefer to cook my own food). In this case the waitress went into complete asshole mode once she got her tip and totally ignored me. And obviously I didn't put out (: I actually told the guy that I'm just looking for friends but he still felt me up without my consent. All in all: not a nice experience.

Top comments

Not sure how/why he managed to get to a second date, but if there is a third, that's on you!


Similar thing happened with me. The guy was a douche and pulled the forgot my wallet line. I got up, paid my half and then got the **** out of there.

Too bad you couldn't find a way to stiff the waitress with a note not to hang all over other women's dates. At least you won't be going out with this guy again.