Thanks, I hate it!

By Tay - 17/02/2012 01:29 - Australia

Today, while working as a receptionist at a health clinic a woman came to settle her account. Before she left, she held out her closed palm and asked if I could put something in the bin for her. I held out my hand and watched many bits of chewed fingernails land in my palm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 620
You deserved it 2 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

badass243 6

you should thrown em down and yelled "AW HELL NO"


SignUpisntcool 3

I would have tripped her then put them down her shirt!

W.... T.....F!?!?!! Is all I'd be thinking

Miaoudeminou 7

When I worked retail I learned quickly you bring the garbage bin to them. I had many people try to give me snot-filled tissues. Yeah I'm not touching that. Some people looked at me strangely for it but I'd like to not get sick and miss out on work when I'm living paycheck to paycheck.

Karina147 1

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth

That's just plain wrong... How can ppl act so uncivilized ?

Would've decked her and broken her damn jaw, and shattered her bottom teeth so she wouldn't have a way to chew them off