Strapped for cash

By Anonymous - 16/12/2010 05:49 - United States

Today, as I spent my last $6 on groceries, the woman at the register gave me a dirty look because I declined to donate $1 to a children's charity. My six year-old son immediately chimed in with, "Mommy, why aren't you helping the poor children?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 266
You deserved it 5 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about the woman. She's a bitch. You didn't have to donate if you didn't want to. You could have just told your kid that was the last of your money.

CasiLG 17

People are so rude. You can't donate to everyone especially when you don't have spare change.


you have no money yet you have time to waste on a internet accessible computer where you post FML's... get a job maybe?

Quest_ 13

I know right. Once one stopped me on the street by using the line "hey, are those your thongs?" in reference to the footwear I had on at the time. By the time my confusion had subsided, it was too late! We were engaged in conversation! Part of which went like this: "So are you able to make a donation today?" "I'm sorry, I don't really have any extra cash on me right now." "There's an ATM over there."

If you knew anything about the current state of the economy, you would know that there are several employed people whose jobs were downgraded because of the recession, and this caused them to have trouble providing for their family. And if she was unemployed, she could very well have used a friend's computer or a public computer. When you are job searching, the process will not give you automatic results and you are bound to go through quite a few waiting periods, as well as times when you really just need to wind down. Don't judge a person until you actually know what they have or are going through.

meganasoarus 0

I think the mods just go around trying to make people look bad.

Did your comment jump or something? I only ask because that response makes no sense in this particular comment chain and I'm curious as to where it was supposed to have been.

13 - did it ever occur to you that she could be an employed single mom struggling to make ends meet? And she kept her internet active to seek better employment? Or how about she is unemployed but kept the Internet service so she could use all of the job/career websites to look for work? Also there is no law that you have to donate.

Link5794 18

I think OP just means she didn't have any more money with her. She could have been running several errands and run out of cash.

This is not a big issue. So what your son blurted something out at the wrong time and you did not feel like paying a dollar for some charity event. Next they stare at you ask them why no better yet ask them for a dollar so you can put it in a box. FYL

You should have replied: "I am helping the poor children. I am helping you."

You don't have to donate anything especially if you're that low on money. The fact that she put a guilt trip on you doesn't help. I'm sure you'd donate if you'd have the money anyway.

hahahahhahahha this was really funny on desperate housewives a few weeks ago!!!!

look at it this way - you are doing such a great job as a parent you son does not know he is a poor kid! you are awesome!

MoroseMoose 47

That's an awesome point. My parents managed to do the same when we were struggling. Good job OP.

I would have slapped her and said "got a problem asshole/asswipe?"(choose the best)

i prefer asswipe- my british friend introduced me to it!

boatkicker 4

Asshat is my favorite..... but that wasn't one of the options.

perdix 29

You should have returned one of the little fat bastard's bags of chips or donuts and donated the money to that charity. Then, turn to your obese son and say, "How do you like me now, fatty?"