Stop talking, stop talking now

By Anonymous - 14/06/2012 15:49 - United States

Today, I went out of town with my mother-in-law. I don't know what posessed her to start questioning me about her son's and my sex life. When I told her I wasn't talking about that, she began to dicuss her and my father-in-law's bedroom habits. The car ride was two hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 118
You deserved it 2 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mollysticks 10

I wouldn't be able to look at her the same way ever again...


Drizzelhell 3

Well she could be discussing this with you for the fact that your partner is unhappy. Because they some how mothers always know. Just saying. But yes i agree your life sucks but i feel your pain

yourmofo 6

You see I get kinda dry down there so your father in law dips it in Country Crock and crams it in, after it takes him 10 minutes to get himself going. Then he finishes in my arm pit.

lovelyspyder 7

That was unnecessarily vulgar...

Maybe she thinks her son is sexually pleased THE SAME EXACT WAY due to heredity.

mrsmathers17531 5

An iPod and some headphones would have came in handy.

Listening to music while riding a car with somebody who wants to talk to you is very rude. No matter what they're talking about...

Drizzelhell 3

BS with that if someone is talking about something you don't want to hear or talk about and u ask politely to stop then they crushed the barriers of being utterly rude so headphones and music doesn't hurt.

tnt227 4

Apparently it was better when 7 made the suggestion

lovelyspyder 7

Oh, grow a pair, it could have been a great opportunity for bonding, and u squandered it. Bravo.

Drizzelhell 3

Sounds like the wring kind of bonding to me.

" Why do people always say grow a pair? What they should say is grow a ******, those things can take a pounding" -Betty White

That's traumatic... I'm sorry. Let's hope you will move on someday and have a somewhat normal life.

KiddNYC1O 20

We're so cool with our Draw Something pics.

60- totally! Man, I can not believe "petleaf" wasn't right! :(

Should have casually said "he likes me to wear a 12 inch strap on and plow him in the ass". That would have ended the conversation.

Drizzelhell 3

Car comes to a hault and oh dearest mother-in-law replies " Your father-in-law loves that." Life itself just got worse.

Mother in laws are crazy. Or most are. Learn anything new?

Trisha_aus 15

Oh you weren't kidding Noor, I was thinking the I feel icky