Sorry for asking…

By volleyballgirl12 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - France

Today, my grandma told me to fuck off when I tried to help her with the dishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 534
You deserved it 6 541


Fody13 2

dude I like your grandma she I hilarious.

LaRae17 0

hahaha XD that's awesome X)

never touch Grandma's dishes, that's like touchin a niggas comb:) Lol

don't u no that whenever u try to help grandmas they try to kill u

Grandma is very particular about the way her dishes are done!

at least your grandma knows her position as a women, always being in the kitchen!

destinycalls 0

well she has no respect fir u let her do the work she can suffer lmao

I would've said thank you. I hate doing dishes and your grandma is awesome.

My grandma says that to me all the time!!