So similar

By StillLoveMyDogs - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I went to reach for a long piece of lint next to my dryer. It was a snake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 315
You deserved it 2 375


RusticChick 27

I would befriend that snake and adopt him to live in my home.

We see this comment enough with spiders already.

That would be a nightmare. I'm just envisioning a flaming snake slithering and writhing through the house setting everything in its path alight.

That's great news! We all need more snakes in our lives! I only get a dead moth behind mine!

ber4fun 23

What kind of snake looks similar to a strand of lint?

RusticChick 27

I think you mean garder* and no, they resemble nothing similar to a strand of lint. Unless possibly a baby and covered in dust to hide the color. Lol

Redgy22 26

oops, typo. But yes a baby & if it was in the lint trap, it would be covered with it.

tiger820 20

I'm afraid to death of snakes! all snakes are poisonous and should be killed! I probably would've passed out if that were me!

And in that case, if it actually was poisonous, you could be dead. thank goodness not all snakes are actually poisonous

#19 1) its venomous 2) are you insinuating that something like a Python, Anaconda, or even a Corn Snake is venomous?

There are actually more non-venomous snakes in the world, than there are venomous 19. As well, either type would rather run away and hide from you than attack. They bite in defense, and for food. They are more scared of you.

LadyLuck93 20

lmao wow not all snakes carry venom. I own a pet snake & its actually very peaceful, so not all snakes should be killed.

RusticChick 27

Here's the difference between poison and venom. The delivery. If something were poisonous, it often secretes poison and in order to harm something else, it must be inhaled, ingested, or touched. If something is venemous, it is injected directly into a wound and blood stream via a bite or sting. Also. Another little fun fact for you. If you don't know the color trick or if a snake is venemous by the body/color, here's another way you can tell. The eyes. If a snake has slit pupils (like cat eyes in a way) it's very much venemous. If the pupils are round, they may still bite (there are tame snakes, ya know) but are completely harmless as to being venemous. The more you know!