So frustrating!

By Justawoman - 04/06/2014 15:52 - Denmark - Aarhus

Today, my boyfriend complained all day about being bored, so wanting to cheer him up, I put on some sexy clothes and went to his house. I got on his bed in my underwear and called him over. He quickly decided he'd rather play Diablo for the next five hours instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 565
You deserved it 8 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskeey 14

Well, I guess he found something to do. Too bad it didn't turn out to be you.


He meant you right? You are a devil in bed... Sorry OP...well take his game away next time

And force him to have sex with you? That'd be a bad idea

That's what people refer to as rape.

Hold off on putting out for a while and he'll stop taking you for granted.

Just because he isn't in the mood doesn't mean there's anything wrong with him, or the relationship. No one is ready for it all the time, we ALL cycle. Why don't you just grab a controller play too?

It would suck if when he wanted to do it, she suddenly didn't.

This, so much. I bet she's not always in the mood when he wants to have sex.

Brody_Generico 7

The problem isn't the fact that he picked the game over sex. It was the fact that he said he was bored and once she came over he suddenly wanted to play the game.

Hoping that she would get the hint that he's not in the mood..

jr_mtz01 7

you deserved it for having a child as a boyfriend.

So because he enjoys other things besides sex and has hobbies, this makes him a child?

Rainhawk94 27

Give him a ******** while playing he's playing

raspution 21

that how you can get him off

ah a boy I dated gave me *********** while I played games. that was so cool and it was a game to see if I could pay attention or die. the game was dark souls haha.

yea, because you should dump everyone who doesn't want to have sex when you wanna have it.

rachangie 19

Sadly I can relate to this OP, I've been completely naked in front of a guy while he continued to play video games. Sometimes guys just aren't in the mood. It's a myth that they want sex ALL the time but you should probably have a talk about this with him.

I'm sorry, but I don't care what video game that I'm playing, if I had a chick like that ,I would be out of my chair (and clothes) faster than the Flash.

this man is obviously sick, he should be playing dark souls 2

I think she was aiming for a little more than half-mast though.

RedPillSucks 31

I feel sorry, but the important things you was trying hard to makes him happy

Instead of him playing Diablo, just toss his sorry ass the ***** instead.