Snappy snaps

By countrygirl8846 - 02/12/2015 15:02 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I went to pick up some pictures I took on a family trip, but the person at the counter said someone else had already picked them up. Now not only am I out $20, some random creep has pictures of me and my whole family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 327
You deserved it 1 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Did anyone else you know you dropped them off? They could have got them for you if it was on the way to their destination

Poupoule_fml 14

Maybe a family member already picked them up?

Who even wants pictures of other people's holiday. So weird

Le_ponderer 14

I'm stumped as to how whoever picked them up did not open up the envelope right there (at least to see that the right order was developed and printed); which would have led to discovering the error. Although the memories of the holiday will stay with you, I still hope you get your pictures returned.

Not that big of a deal hahahaha. Just get another copy. Talk to their manager. You paid for it, you'll either get the pictures or a refund.

Who has film processed anymore? I haven't since the late '90s

I'd be pissed at the photo place. You need to complain to the management.

zeffra13 31

Just explain that no one else knew about your order to be able to pick them up, and they should reprint them. If a company messes up they have to pay for it, not you, that's how business works. Admittedly some employees are jerks, but hopefully the manager isn't.