Run away time

By kittyfiddlernono - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Bulgaria - Pernik

Today, I went on a date with a seemingly really awesome guy. It went quite well, until dessert came and he started telling me why bestiality "isn't really so wrong, you know?" Riiiggghhttt. Looks like I'm still single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 590
You deserved it 4 445

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22

I guess doggy style means something else to him

How does that even come up in conversation?


unknowndevil 6

Well, scientists can force different species to mate with each other so I don't see why a human can't mate with other animals.

NagainaFier 16

They might put a tiger and a lion in the same room, to see if different species of the same family can interbreed (horses+donkies, lions+tigers, etc), but I really doubt they're throwing Chimps in with wolves. ...please don't own any pets. Please. Just no.

You can also force animals to mate with their offspring, that doesn't make it okay.

Because you can doesn't mean you should.

Pareidolia101 15

Some people are are just screwed up in the head so much that they think it's okay to screw animals.

Well this may sound horrible but a pussy would work.,,as in yours...

perhaps it was just some twisted humour to gauge your reaction. did you inquire further or leave it as is?

imonkeyface 9

At least you found out quick enough and in that way rather than witnessing it yourself. You'll find someone OP, good luck.

i think *********** is awesome. hes a cool guy :)

Wow... Some people are messed up...

"Down","Come" and "No Bite" commands really make doggie a "Good Girl". :P

Epikouros 31

Unfortunately, dogs don't understand the word 'no' :)

Who wants to see a donkey show in Mexico!

DeanWnchstr12479 6

Better single than stuck like that...