Rookie mistake

By no selfie for me - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Pasadena

Today, I was at the park unsuccessfully trying to take a selfie. A stranger walked up to me and offered to take the picture for me. I agreed and gave him my phone. He took it and ran off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 259
You deserved it 59 926

Top comments

And that's why you can't trust everyone you meet.

I don't trust anyone with my phone...let alone, a complete stranger. What were you thinking?


chell1894 13

I have a $2000 camera that I like to take on trips and I always want to ask strangers to take photos of me with my fiancé but am always nervous and usually don't because I worry that they will just run off with my camera. Or I find a nice elderly person that can't run fast haha :)

There shouldn't be more than one – count 'em, ONE – selfie uploaded to your social networking sites for less than a month. Any more, and you're likely a narcissist. PLEASE tell me the reason behind retaking it so many times was your duckface wasn't quite right.

It's hard to pucker those lips just right!

Cordite 6

I started laughing when you said you gave him your phone. I knew what was coming

I think we ALL saw this one coming :P.

Last time I gave my phone to a stranger, I made an effort to ready myself in the event he tried to run. Luckily he didn't. Sorry, what I'm trying to say is if you ever give your phone to a stranger, be prepared to chase 'em down at the slightest hint of a run.

First rule of being in public: Trust no one!