Remember me

By laxguy23 - 21/04/2009 15:11 - United States

Today, I got a email from my boss. He said he was going to have to let me go for missing so much work over the last week. I was laid off two months ago. I don't know what is more depressing, getting fired from a job twice or the fact it took two months for them to notice I wasn't there anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 951
You deserved it 3 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you still getting paid for the 2 months?..if not you should umm... "request" your pay.

If it took 2 months for the work you were hired to do piled up so much it became noticable, then I suppose you really were let go because there was not enough work to support the position. Therefore, might be evidence you losing the job was not anyones fault.


crazy_cat_lady 0

Don't let them record termination as the reason for separation!!!!! You can't claim unemployment with that!

sorry. that really sux. but on the bright side. YOu would have had a job if they wouldnt have laid you off... i guess.

elara15 0

I love how everyone is so riled up about about how a company would've suspended account, but it certainly makes sense IF THEY DIDN'T PROPERLY DOCUMENT your dismissal the first time around. And it would also make sense if your boss was firing you for excessive absence, he probably wouldn't expect you to be regularly logging in to company e-mail.

elara15 0

I love how everyone is so riled up about about how a company would've suspended account, but it certainly makes sense IF THEY DIDN'T PROPERLY DOCUMENT your dismissal the first time around. And it would also make sense if your boss was firing you for excessive absence, he probably wouldn't expect you to be regularly logging in to company e-mail.

elara15 0

I love how everyone is so riled up about about how a company would've suspended your account, but it certainly makes sense IF THEY DIDN'T PROPERLY DOCUMENT your dismissal the first time around. And it would also make sense if your boss was firing you for excessive absence, he probably wouldn't expect you to be regularly logging in to company e-mail. And nevermind the problems with unemployment benefits -- consider what termination would do to your references.

elara15 0

I love how everyone is so riled up about about how a company would've suspended account, but it certainly makes sense IF THEY DIDN'T PROPERLY DOCUMENT your dismissal the first time around. And it would also make sense if your boss was firing you for excessive absence, he probably wouldn't expect you to be regularly logging in to company e-mail.

Loe_307 0

Must have sent that to the wrong person. Pretty shitty to fire someone via email though.

JackDupp 11

So who laid you off first, and why wasn't your boss in the loop? This all sounds kind of fishy to me. But if true then your definitely better off to be out of that place. And your boss will probably be joining you in the employment line soon, along with the rest of the company.

I agree with #37, whats up with people trying to be the FML police?

#17, that was my first thought too. Most of the replies are right though--any company this disorganised was probably no fun to work for anyway. I hope you find something better soon.