Poor old George Orwell…

By literature - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff

Today, we are reading Animal Farm in class. Almost the entire class think it's about animal abuse. Including the teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 383
You deserved it 3 065

Top comments

Well animal abuse certainly happens in communist embodiments...


estuardo 7

A great read. I hope others take the correct meaning from it.

Thats ok when we read it my teacher honestly believed it, and i quote, was a cute little book about animals

I would honestly have the teacher reviewed. How can you teach English without knowing the main ideas? I mean hell, read sparknotes at least.

Omg, I actually want to cry over this FML. OP, suggest that they should dedicate a class to watching the film instead. Hopefully that will start changing their minds.

Metallic_Blue 10

Sort of sad...I'm reading that in my class right now as well, but my teacher made gave us a lot of background info about why the book was written and stuff like that.

I'm sorry but if that's the message they got from it let them stay ignorant an allegory of communism is just out of their pay grade and always will be

Read that book freshman year . Didn't get it

How? If you read it for an assignment, how was it not explained to you? If you read it for pleasure and it did not have an introduction explaining everything, how could you not google when it became clear you were not understanding something crucial?

so these people have never heard of Eric Arthur Blair? In that case, '1984' will blow their minds..

The students not getting it is possible, but the teacher?!