Parent brain

By Jen - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was watching "Caillou". It was a Christmas special for preschoolers. I was quite enjoying myself, when it hit me that my kid had been in bed for an hour. I forget what adult TV is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 378
You deserved it 6 619

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seseame street or sex and the city - a difficult situation we all face every day

Brundlefly 0

I like watching kids shows still :)


That's not too bad. At least you know your kids are watching something worth actually paying attention to if it can keep you entertained. There's very little on TV these days I'd even consider worth watching anymore, "adult" or not. You're not missing anything.

Lol caillou is hilarious, just once id like to see his parents reaction after he does something REALLY bad, say he kills someone. No doubt it would be: aw caillou... *proceed to bury the body* im telling you caillou is dangerous. He does what he wants i tell you! *door opens, calliou enter* omfg im dead

charmedheksie 0

It happens, don't stress to much about it.

I have done that many times. both my husband and I have watched a full episode of iCarly then remembered our kids weren't even home.

my 3 yr old loves calliou.. i hate it. i've turned on max and ruby before and then realized he wasn't still in the room. and i love the songs on backyardigans. i love the Corn song and the halloween monster I'm Scared of You song. they're great!

my brother is going slowly crazy because my 2 yr old nephew is addicted to The Wiggles and has to have it on all the time

ehshithappens 0

Omg I know your pain. I watch my nephew during the day, but he likes Dora the explorer. When my parents ask me how my day went, I have no problem sharing the adventures Dora took us on, and the new spanish words my baby nephew and I learned. Even when I put him down for a nap, I still leave it on nick jr. ._.