No good deed…

By SCdriver - 16/07/2012 06:04 - United States - Lexington

Today, I called the cops to let them know that a drunk man was driving dangerously down my road. About an hour later, I was going to the store and got pulled over for speeding by the cop I called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 233
You deserved it 36 234

Same thing different taste


I bet that cop was delighted at that easy two for one. Unless you are friends with the cop , don't expect any personal favors. YDI .

neda389 0

how do you know it was the same cop...ydi for being a hypocrite

skullofdarkness 18

How is op a hypocrite for trying to warn the cops about a drunk driver? Yes, he should have paid more attention to how fast he was going, but that doesn't make him a hypocrite...

neda389 0

dude really? cuz op reports someone for drunk driving when speeding is dangerous too...there for hypocrite.

How do you know that he was going a dangerous speed? He could have been doing 40 in a 35. 40 isn't that dangerous of a speed. Drunk driving is way more dangerous than speeding, by the way.

"Snitches get stitches." "Not really. Stitches are for living people."

Keliosan 6
perdix 29

Sometimes they stitch up corpses for the viewing. Snitching for DWI will likely get you kneecapped, as a warning not to snitch on more serious business.

I hope you get into a crash with a drunk driver. See if you whine about "snitchin" then, punk.

Keliosan 6

It was a joke...very obviously...especially if you've seen perdix around...

36, what made you think he was being serious? Was it the wink or the fact that it's perdix, who is almost never serious?

unknown_user5566 26

Uh oh, greeneye called Perdix a punk. Shit just got real. ;)

perdix 29

#67, I hope greeneye caught your ;) wink at the end. I don't like wasting space telling doofuses that I'm just kidding.

Did ya brake as you were passing the cop? You never brake, it's like admitting guilt.

YDI for speeding. you could have killed someone just as easy as the drunk

You should have told him you were on your way to buy donuts as a thank you to him, for answering your DD call.

Put a speeder on one road and a drunk driver on the other. I'm pretty sure the drunk driver would do more damage. I go 5 mph over almost always and I've never been in an accident.

"Hello, police? There's a dangerous driver in my area! Welp, that's done. Time to go drive dangerously!"

Clamcreepy 7

Snitches get stitches! Well in your case snitches get tickets.

I wonder if you're be calling him a "snitch" if you or a family member got hit by a drunk driver. Drunk drivers are dangerous and deserve to get arrested.

They also cause a lot of traffic which makes people either late for work, angry or rubber neck.