No good deed…

By williebees - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Huntsville

Today, as I was about to walk across the street, a girl in front of me who clearly wasn't paying attention to the traffic, almost got run over. I grabbed her arm and jumped back. She was fine. I fell and fractured my arm and wrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 908
You deserved it 2 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But you saved a life in the process, so it's worth it


HighlandShadows 48

That ought to teach you not to be a decent human being... seriously though, that sucks, dude. I hope she at least said thank you.

What a selfless thing to do! I'm sorry about your arm and wrist, but I gotta say, I take my hat off to ya. That was really cool of you to help that girl out.

Well, to be a hero you gotta take risks! I hope the girl was grateful to you for your valiance; I mean, I would be!

As someone who's been hit by a car, I have an idea what you saved that girl from. You're my hero today, OP! Hope you mend quickly.

Next time- let em go. One less airhead walking aimlessly around while texting. Or at least teach her a lesson.